World Intellectual Property Day: Celebrating Creativity, Innovation, and Protection
Every year on April 26th, World Intellectual Property Day is observed to raise awareness about the importance of intellectual property (IP) rights in fostering innovation, creativity, and economic development. This day serves as a reminder of the crucial role that IP plays in shaping our world and encouraging progress across various industries. World Intellectual Property Day 2024 - Theme: 'IP and the SDG's: Building Our Common Future with Innovation and Creativity.' The Significance of Intellectual Property : Intellectual property encompasses various forms of creations of the mind, such as inventions, literary and artistic works, designs, and symbols. It includes patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets, among others. These rights enable creators and innovators to protect their work, benefit from their creations, and contribute to the advancement of society. In today's rapidly evolving global economy, intellectual property has become increasingly valuable....